Friday, June 13, 2008

Lines that in retrospect were sort of corny, but work...

Me getting my text message game on smash like Kwame Kilpatrick.

Me:I am going to save your name in my phone on speed dail under "F".
Her: But my name starts with an "L"
Me: F is for future, and I see a bright one with you in it.

(I repeat do not use that one)

Me & C-gran in Georgetown a couple weeks ago while a fly older women walks by:

Me:"You're the reason why my mother told me to study hard and go to school. So one day i can have a georgous women in my life just like you."
Her: Your mom is a smart women.
Me: I think we should do lunch...
Her: Sure give me a call...

C-Gran: HOW the f@#$ did that line work!!
Me: Shit, I am just as surprised as you are..

Another one:
Her: I am not sure what I want to do with my life.
Me: You have to step out of your comfort zone, try new things, do things you wouldn't normally do. This way you build confidence in yourself. The only way to do that is by not being scared to try new things.
Her: Like what?
Me: Like sleeping with me for example


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