Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Gansta 101

So, your one of those who can't get enough of that gansta shit!! You listen to 50 Cent's "Many Men" every morning in the shower. And who knows what the fuck your capable of doing if they don't get your latte right at Starbucks. You know why..because you are gansta!! You keep it so real, that when that mother with the two children in the backseat driving that Volvo tried to cut in front of you- forget that she pointed and asked nicely- you curse her out anyway with your windows up..B#$%@!!

This is all you need right here: Gansta 101...contains American Gangster, Scarface, Casino, and Carlito's Way. The next time you're in Eyebar and one of those Washington Redskins' offensive linemen ask you to kindly move out of their way so they can get to the bar...think about what Joe Pesci from Casino would do.....(Caution: Do not let your inner Pesci get you hurt in the street!!)
You can pick this up at or try Best Buy.

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