Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Must have Product:

So funny story is, back in the day I was messing with this nice young lady, who worked in the cosmetic industry. I liked going by her crib because she always had new products, and anyone that knows me knows I am a sucker for new products. So after I smash, I hop in the shower and I am looking at an assortment of bottles. Little did I know I would fall in love that day. Nah, not with shorty, but with this soap- Bliss Shock Therapy :super minty concentrated body wash.

This is great for those in law school, med school, and for all those who have trouble getting up in the morning. It literally sets your body on a cool and tingly fire. It also keeps your body fresh all day.

Note: Gentlemen, take a shower with her and use this. It will definitely arouse her senses.


Anonymous said...

are you serious with this "So after I smash," comment?

yeah right...

G4 Scott aka Scottward da Third aka The Black George Costanza said...

worry bout the product..not what I am doing..